The RuBECi is a self-contained, tabletop, ultrahigh vacuum system for creating and manipulating ultra-cold atoms. It utilizes a two-cell vacuum system (a 2D+ MOT source cell and an ultra-high vacuum science cell compatible with long trap lifetimes). It features an atom chip for simple and rapid BEC production with a high-duty cycle and low power consumption. High numerical aperture imaging of trapped atoms in the chip potential is possible thanks to the atom chip's integration into the science cell wall. The RuBECi is shipped under a permanent vacuum and ready to be used with an appropriate optics package, such as the Physics Platform.
Product Details
Product Features
Compact UHV chamber
Up to two independent, active dispensers
Active and passive pumps to maintain vacuum
Integrated atom chip allows for the trapping and easy manipulation of ultra-cold atoms
Easily reconfigurable for specific applications
Atom Chip
Integrated optics
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Physics Platform
The Physics Platform provides the foundation optics for experiments, including a 3D magneto-optical trap (MOT) fed by a 2D+ MOT. It also includes optics for optical pumping and imaging atoms in the science cell.
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