Introducing the Second Generation miniMOT V2
miniMOT V2
Achieve a live MOT within hours rather than months
Introducing the miniMOT V2, a unique, compact, off-the-shelf trapped atom vacuum system that enables users to effortlessly create and control quantum matter based on rubidium (Rb) or cesium (Cs) atoms.
With an intuitive user interface, the miniMOT V2 provides greater control over critical system parameters, increasing flexibility for cold atom experiments.
The miniMOT V2 eliminates the guesswork and hassle of setting up large and bulky vacuum equipment, allowing you to focus on designing your cold atom experiment or quantum application work to generate results faster.
Upgrade to the miniMOT V2 for an easy-to-use and efficient solution for your quantum matter needs.
Dr Carrie Weidner, Lecturer, Quantum Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training, University of Bristol
“As a lecturer, I like the miniMOT V2 as it allows me to provide Ph.D. students with exposure to a growing and very promising sector of quantum technologies--that is, the fun and excitement of cold atomic physics. The miniMOT V2 is a boon to the Quantum Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Bristol, and it will be useful for training many generations of Ph.D. students in the years to come.”

Product Details
Compact UHV system suitable for MOT production from a background vapor
Active and passive pumps to maintain vacuum quality over several years of operation
Integrated electronics for vacuum control, alkali atom pressure control, and to drive the miniMOT Coils
Touchscreen interface for seamless user control of system operation
Includes a thin-walled cell, but optimized AR-coated UHV glass cells are also available as a standard feature
Shipped under vacuum and ready for immediate use
Lucas Zubillaga, Bernien Lab at the University of Chicago
“My lab partner Glingna Wang and I found the miniMOT with the pre-aligned optics breadboard easy to use. We first balanced the laser power and checked for circular polarization with the in-path half-wave and quarter-wave plates. We continued by modulating the laser diode with a microwave frequency source and locking it onto the correct transition. Lastly, we turned on the Rb dispenser, dialed the current in the anti-Helmholtz coils, and watched the cloud of trapped atoms fluoresce before our eyes! (with proper protection, of course).
Seeing the Rb atoms "bounce" by disturbing the trap with an external magnet was fascinating. We did all of this in under 3 hours thanks to our TA Evan Villafranca, lab director Dr. Danyel Cavazos, and the intuitive Infleqtion miniMOT device.
Side View
Monitor View
In this experiment, I learned many things: hyperfine structures and atomic/orbital transitions, laser and magnetic confinement, saturated spectroscopy and Doppler crossover peaks, and laser frequency modulation, among others. It is mind-boggling to think these trapped Rb atoms are at temperatures in the order of mK! Super glad I could witness this!”
Related Products
miniMOT Package
The miniMOT Package is the ultimate solution for producing a compact and efficient magneto-optical trap (MOT).
MOT Coils
The MOT coil assembly consists of a pair of circular coils connected in an anti-Helmholtz configuration.
miniMOT Related Research
Photonic integrated beam delivery for a rubidium 3D magneto-optical trap
A UC Santa Barbara team led by Daniel Blumenthal achieved a significant milestone by demonstrating a photonic-integrated MOT (PICMOT) using a photonic chip to deliver laser cooling beams. With Infleqtion's miniMOT, they successfully trapped over 1 million rubidium atoms, cooling them to temperatures below 1 mK. Making the optical components of a magneto-optical trap (MOT) for laser-cooled atoms smaller will help implement these technologies in portable devices.
Photonic integrated beam delivery for a rubidium 3D magneto-optical trap, Nature
Neophytes Build a MOT
A Magneto-Optical Trap (MOT) is a wonderful tool for undergraduate research and teaching laboratories that highlights many topics in modern physics. We describe the design decisions and processes that resulted in an operational MOT using the resources and time available at an undergraduate institution. By building many components and purchasing others, we completed the MOT in about two years for approximately $40,000. Neither of us had experience with optical systems before starting work on the project.
Professor Bruce Thompson, Ithaca College, Research and student projects: Building a MOT
Investigation of Inertial Sensing Using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency
Using a miniMOT, two experiments demonstrated a motion-sensing method using a collective state of atoms. One experiment improved the light-dragging effect in an atomic ensemble, allowing for a highly sensitive atom-based velocimeter. The second experiment involved measuring the motion of an atomic ensemble undergoing Bloch oscillation in a periodic potential, with efficient cooling achieved through Raman sideband cooling. These demonstrations could lead to motion sensing development using the collective state of atoms in various materials.
Laser Cooling of 85Rb Atoms to the Recoil Temperature Limit
The authors used a miniMOT to cool a cloud of 85Rb atoms. The miniMOT was created by focusing a laser beam to a waist of approximately 300 µm and using permanent magnets to provide the magnetic field required for trapping the atoms. By optimizing the cooling parameters, the authors were able to cool the atoms to a temperature of 130 µK, with a loading rate of approximately 4.4×10^7 atoms/s. The miniMOT proved to be a useful tool for studying cold atoms in a compact and portable setup.
miniMOT V2 Resources
Recent Press
Next Generation miniMOT Platform Unveiled for Quantum Physics Research and Education
Infleqtion announced the release of its next-generation compact vacuum system for neutral atom research and quantum application development, the miniMOT V2. This launch marks the first new product release under the Infleqtion brand as the company transitions to a commercial products company.
Introducing miniMOT V2: A Game-Changing Platform for Quantum Physics Education and Research
In partnership with undergraduate educators, Infleqtion has created experiments that can be incorporated into conventional physics curricula. This is essential given quantum technologies' growing importance for various industries and governments worldwide.
Infleqtion's miniMOT V2 Named Silver Honoree by the 2023 Laser Focus World Innovators Awards
Infleqtion announced that its miniMOT V2, a compact off-the-shelf trapped atom vacuum system, was recognized among the best by the 2023 Laser Focus World Innovators Awards. This recognition highlights the miniMOT V2's significance in advancing quantum research, education, and workforce development.